Tuesday, July 07, 2009

dutch constructivism

Leendert van der Vlugt

Van Nelle factory



"With the death of Van der Vlugt, modern architecture loses one of its best representatives. I am familiar with Van der Vlugt's outstanding achievement, the Van Nelle Factory in Rotterdam... A few years ago, I visited the Factory together with Mr van der Leeuw, the director. Later, I met Van der Vlugt at a luncheon... How many works are there in the modern world that can rival the Van Nelle Factory?... The fact that we shall not see him (Van der Vlugt) any more and shall no longer witness the development of his outstanding talent is extremely regrettable..."
Le Corbusier, 30 May 1936

1 comment:

. said...

hihihi is curioasa ce'ar zice Dali despre dansul :P